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Zeba spin desalting columns
    : Thermo scientific
    ǰȣ : 89890
    LOT NO.:PE200768
    ǸŰ :

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Zeba spin desalting columns, 7K MWCO, 2ml, 25columns
Thermo Scientific Sodium Cholate is an ionic detergent that is especially useful for liposome preparation and lipid isolation.
Sodium cholate (cholic acid) is a water-soluble, bile-acid commonly used in protein methods such as cell lysis, liposome preparation, isolation of membrane proteins and lipids, preventing nonspecific binding in affinity chromatography and as a cell culture media supplement.


  • Anionic, bile-acid detergent for many laboratory uses
  • Effective for liposome preparation and lipid isolation
  • Can be removed from solution by dialysis
  • High-purity compound with low UV absorptivity

Product Details:

At concentrations above 2mM, cholate will form micelles having MW ~900 to 1200. The small size of these micelles allows them to be easily remove by dialysis or gel filtration if needed. Note: removal of a detergent from a protein solution my result in protein precipitation and/or aggregation.

Properties of Sodium cholic acid:

  • Alternative Names: Sodium cholic acid; cholate, sodium salt
  • Chemical Name: 3, 7, 12-Trihydroxy-5-cholan-24-oic acid, monosodium salt
  • Molecular Weight: 430.6g
  • Detergent Class: Ionic (anionic)
  • Aggregation Number: 2 to 4 (average)
  • Micelle Molecular Weight: 900g (average)
  • Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC): 9 to 14mM (0.388 to 0.603% w/v)
  • Cloud Point: Unknown
  • Dialyzable: Yes
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