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5 mm NMR Economy Sample Tube, 7" L, 300MHz
    : Wilmad-Labglass
    ǰȣ : WG-1226-7
    ǸŰ : ̸ (triteckorea@gmail.com)

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Wilmad-LabGlass Economy NMR Tubes are manufactured from borosilicate glass that meets the ASTM Type 1 Class B standard and recognized as N51A. Due to its nature, this glass has much less thermal-shock resistance than Class A glass used for our Precision Tubes. It may contain Fe2O3 which is paramagnetic (1200 ppm) and has certain impact on shimming quality depending on the magnetic field strength.

Economy tubes are recommended only for experiments with small organic molecule (Molecular Weight ~500) at ambient temperature only. The camber and concentricy listed in the product specification table is the upper limit value. 

Wilmad does not require a minimum purchase quanity. The unit price is one single tube. Each tube comes with a disposable cap.Cooling/heating of these tubes may lead to breakage. For NMR experiments that involve cooling, heating, biological sample, multi-dimension, multi-nuclei or DNP techniques; please refer to our Precision brand NMR Tubes. 

Some of our competitors altered our MHz rating standard by advertising inferior tubes for higher magnetic field experiments. Please visit our NMR Economy Tube Cross Reference Guide to make a head-to-head comparison including pricing. The products listed on the same row will have the same performance at the same magnetic field IF the specifications of our competitors' product are guaranteed as advertised. From this guide we will prove our 60 year philosophy again as "committed to providing customers with cost-effective NMR consumables of the highest quality".

WG-12XX Series Economy NMR Tubes Sandblasted with the product number and a marking spot. Caps included.

MHz Rating: 300
Length (inch): 7
O.D. (mm): 4.94665 0.01905
Wall Thickness (mm): 0.43
Concentricity (microns): 51
Camber (microns): 13
Material ASTM Type 1 Class B Borosilicate Glass 
Impact on shimming quality by paramagnetic impurities1 Medium (>1200 ppm Fe2O3)
Rapid cooling/heating No
Max. working temperature Ambient
Sample volume reproducibility2 10%
Averaged Sample Volume within Rf  coil 125 µl/cm
Outer Diameter 4.9470.019 mm
Cut-off wavelength 320 nm
Compatible with Small Volume Insert No
Recommended Application 1D NMR experiments with small organic molecule (Molecular Weight <1500) below 600 MHz

Note 1: Impact on shimming quality varies upon magnetic field strength. Economy tube is recommended for 1D low field experiments.

Note 2: Sample volume reproducibility refers to the maximum volume fluctuation when filling different NMR tubes to the same sample height. This number correlates to the reproducibility of time domain signal amplitude between different runs.

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