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Bright STARLET Cryostat
    ǰȣ : 2212-022
    ǸŰ : ̸ (triteckorea@gmail.com)

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2212 Starlet Bench-Top/Portable Cryostat


Not since cryostats were invented has there been such a small, portable yet convenient instrument. Featuring many design concepts developed from our continuous research programme, the Starlet cryostat is available in a choice of either handwheel or lever operation. The size of the Starlet makes it ideal as a back-up instrument or for use in laboratories where space is at a premium. Fully portable, it can be transported with ease from laboratory to laboratory and is a must for use in the field - the possibilities are endless. If frozen sectioning is infrequent and a full-sized, full-priced cryostat cannot be justified, the Starlet does the job and fits any budget. Inexpensive and reliable, the Starlet - ideal where space and funds are limited - really is unique amongst cryostats.


  • An ABS Polymer and rustproof steel cabinet coated with scratch, solvent and detergent resistant PVC to provide strength and durability
  • A polished stainless steel chamber with detachable quick freezer bar and detachable storage shelf
  • Thermostatically controlled chamber temperature in the range ambient to -30C with digital display
  • A choice of handwheel or lever operated microtome
  • It uses disposable blades and incorporates the Easi-Set anti-roll plate
  • The Starlet cuts excellent sections just like a full sized cryostat
  • Small, inexpensive and portable
  • Incorporates the Magnaplate anti-roll plate system
  • Complete with all standard accessories to start sectioning right away


    Of an elegant appearance, durable and easy to clean, the Starlet cabinet is manufactured using scratch, solvent and detergent resistant ABS Polymer and Stelvetite Polymer coated steel. The chamber is of stainless steel construction and comes complete with a detachable quick freezer bar and detachable storage shelf. Easy to clean and resistant to common decontaminating agents, the working chamber is convenient to use. Being relatively small the Starlet ensures rapid cool-down times, to -30C in the chamber and to -40C for the detachable quick freezer bar. While not in use, an insulated cover is pressed in place to ensure efficient running of the refrigeration system and also assists in reducing frosting. If the unit is transported, the chamber will remain cold for prolonged periods.


    Unique to and designed specifically for the Starlet, the microtome is of radial, flat cutting design and can be operated by either a handwheel or a lever. Weighing approximately 1.8kg, the microtome is capable of cutting a wide range of specimens including soft tissue, hair follicle, cardiac muscle and lung. The Magnacut disposable blade system is fitted as standard, using long-life disposable blades for quick results, and of course, it eliminates the inconvenience of knife re-sharpening. Complete with an Easi-Set anti-roll plate, the Starlet is fitted with a 2-12µm feed screw for sectioning in 2µm increments, although a 4-24µm feed screw is available as an alternative. Taking only seconds to remove from the chamber, the microtome is easy to clean, resists corrosion and is easy to service - very little routine maintenance is required.
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