- Adjustable splash shields move to accommodate user and application
- Select from multiple mounting options, benchtop, free standing and wall
- The shield's shape allows them to be moved and located along three axes allowing superior security and improved comfort and productivity without reducing workspace. The large range of motion of the shields allows use by both sitting and standing operators. Custom sizes available. Select shield and appropriate mounting hardware. Per each
F249660001 -SINGLE SPLASH SHIELD AGAINST WALL 610mm (24") Arm 305 x 381mm (12 x15") Plexiglas Shield
F249660002- SINGLE SPLASH SHIELD ISLAND BENCHES 965mm(38") Arm 305 x 381mm(12 x 15") Plexiglas Shield
F249660003 - DOUBLE SPLASH SHIELD ISLAND BENCHES 965mm (38") Arm 381 x 610mm (15 x 24") Plexiglas Shield
F249660004 - DOUBLE SPLASH SHIELD AGAINST WALL 610mm (24") Arm 381 x 610mm (15 x 24") Plexiglas Shield
F249660005 - (A) C CLAMP
F249660007 - (C) WALL BRACKET
F249660008 - D) WEIGHTED BASE ADAPTER (9.5", for F24966-0001 only)
F249660010 - PRE-DRILLED PLEXIGLAS (for F24966-0001/0002)
F249660011 - PRE-DRILLED PLEXIGLAS (for F24966-0003/0004)